Can someone explain this to me, in particular the bits in italics, thanks
Cast off 7 stitches, knit 64 stitches ” including stitch on needle, turn”
“Continue on the last set of stitches “ as follows ……
Can someone explain this to me, in particular the bits in italics, thanks
Cast off 7 stitches, knit 64 stitches ” including stitch on needle, turn”
“Continue on the last set of stitches “ as follows ……
Can you tell us the pattern name and designer, please?
You can also take a photo of that section of the pattern and post that. It’s often helpful to see the rows right before and after the problematic part.
When you cast off it involves working 2 stitches to cast off 1 stitch. The instruction wants you to include that stitch that has already been worked (when you cast off the 7th stitch) to be counted in the 64 stitches.
So 64 total on your needle when you turn.
You may still have stitches in the left needle but these are not to be worked.
Hope this helps, if not do say and someone will be able to explain in another way.
Ah of course that makes sense. I’m not sure about the turn and continue on the last set of stitches bit either. It the shaping armholes instructions on the photo
I’m assuming you started off with more than the 71 sts which this first part uses. The remaining stitches can be slipped onto a holder or piece of yarn (use a tapestry needle to thread them on, knot the two ends together so you don’t lose the stitches).
You’ll wok hi side first then go back to the other stitches later.
On this side
Work 1 row, the ws row
Work 15 rows decreasing 1 stitch at the arm hole edge on every row and at the same time dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every alt row.
If you count each of the 15 rows, starting at row 1 then these neck decreases are rows 1 3 5 …
Every alt means every other row. You should reach the correct stitch count when the 15 rows are complete.
Later work 56 rows dec at neck edge on 4th and every following 4th row. For this start counting again at 1, dec on 4 8 12, 16, 20…and so on, every 4th row.
Hope this helps, if not just ask again.
Thank you so much !