Knitting a cardigan the front and sleeves are all in one on adding increases for sleeves it says increase one st at beginning of every r/s row and end of every as row does this mean I am adding stitches to just the sleeve edge or both edges I have done some rows but it is increasing on both edges and does not look right
Shape sleeves
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
It looks like dolman sleeves and since it’s knit in pieces, the increases should only be at one edge, the armhole edge. The top of the sleeve at the back will be seamed in a straight line to the top of the sleeve at the front.
Increase at the beginning of the RS row and the end of the WS row. It’ll help to place a marker at this edge as a reminder that this is the only place for increases.
The schematic is a nice guide to the shape you want to achieve.
It is lion brand pattern no 60061 yes I realised what I had done wrong I had increased at beginning of both rows silly me but thank you very much think I have sorted the problem
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Very nice! Thank you for the pattern name and source.