Hi, everyone. I’m stuck and hope someone can help me figure this out. If it’s been explained elsewhere, please feel free to point me in the right direction.
This is my first real knitting project, a sweater for my grandson. I’ve worked the back in stockinette and done the decreases for the armholes. Up to this point all is well.
I run into a problem at “Shape shoulders and back neck.”
I have 52 stitches on the needle. The pattern says:
Next row (RS): Cast off 6 sts, K until there are 10 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder.
What I’ve done: I cast off the 6 sts., K 9 (10 sts on needle), moved the remaining sts to a long piece of yarn as a holder and turned my work.
The pattern continues:
Work each side of neck separately. – I think I understand this, I will have to attach yarn to continue on the other side with the stitches currently held on yarn.
Here’s where I’m stuck:
Cast off 3 stitches at beginning of next row.
Cast off rem 7 sts.
I turned and have 10 sts on the needle. I cast off 3 at beginning of that row, leaving 7 sts. Is this correct so far? Do I then P the remaining 7 sts.? When I do and then cast them off, those 7 sts stick out all by themselves which doesn’t seem right.
If that “tab” is supposed to be there, I’ve got it right and I guess I’ll just have to keep going until having it stick out makes sense.