Shape Raglan on Sirdar 3957 Cardigan


I am fairly new to knitting and this is my first cardigan.

I am at the “Shape Raglan” stage of the back bit and cannot understand the instructions which say

1st row: K1, s1, k1, psso, patt to last 3 sts, 22tog, k1
2nd row: P2, patt to last 2 sts, p2

What confuses me is the abbreviation ‘patt’.

Is it the pattern that was set for the Back and which I have used before (but then that patt was made of a 1st row and 2nd row so I wouldn’t know how to follow it on one single row) or in 1st row the ‘patt’ is - k1, s1, k1, psso - ? If so it doesnt really make sense in the 2nd row…

I am so confused, please help me!

Thank you very much,


Welcome to KH and to knitting!
The patt refers to the pattern stitch that you have been working for the back in this cardigan. On the 1st row work row 1 of the pattern stitch. On the 2nd row, work row 2 of the pattern stitch. Only one pattern row per current row.
You’ll be alternating row 1 and row 2 of the pattern stitch as you work the row in this portion of the pattern.
What is the name of your pattern?

Thank you! Thats makes a lot more sense.

In the instructions for the Back it says:
1st row: knit
2nd row: k1 * p1, k1B, rep from * to last 2 sts, p1, k1
1st and 2nd row sets patt.

So the above is the pattern.

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Very good. If you run into any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re all ready to help you out.

I have another question. I’m afraid I’ve run into a bit of pickle!! I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I’m starting to shape the neck in the same cardigan and instructions say:

1st Row: k1, s1, k1, psso, Patt to last 2 sts, k2tog.
2nd row: patt to last 2sts, p2.
1st and 2nd rows set raglan and neck shapings

So far no problem!

Then it states

Work 46 rows Dec 1 st as before at raglan edge in 3rd and every foll 4th row AT SAME TIME dec 1 st at neck edge in 8th and every foll 9th row.

Here is where I get completely lost. 1st row itself already decreases 2 sts, so do I have to decrease more in 3rd and every foll 4th row? If so how? It says “as before”. The only decreasing I have done before is cast off in 1x1 rib.

I’m also confused when it says at “neck edge”, is this the opposite end of the row?

Does this make any sense?

Thank you very much!

This sounds like the left front. Is that correct?
Decrease at the same edge in row 3 and then every following 4th row. That’s rows 3,7,11,15,19,23 and so on. It sounds like the raglan edge is at the beginning of row 1 so the “as before” refers to the k1, s1, k1, psso.
Yes, the neck edge is the opposite end of the row, the k2tog. So the neck decreases are on row 8 and then every 9th row. That’s rows 8,17,26,35 and so on.

Yea sorry should have mentioned, it is the left front.

So for eg. Row 3 the pattern would be k1, s1, k1, psso, patt to last 2sts, k2tog. Is this enough or do I have to do k1, s1, k1, psso twice?


It’s not decrease more.
Those 2 rows describe what to do on the decrease rows, those listed by salmonmac. When it is not one of the decrease rows you don’t need to do those described decreases, just work straight, as in whatever your “pattern” is for the cardigan.

Pattern instructions are tricky when you first start but it gets easier as you will become accustomed to how they are usually written.
Just keep asking when you are confused.

Rows 1 and 2 give you the placement of the decreases along the row. On the raglan edge work the k1, s1,k1, psso at the beginning. That’s the only decrease for that row, row 3 for example. Continue with the raglan decreases on the rows I listed. Don’t work the decrease at the end of the row, the neck edge. That’s only worked on the rows following row 8 as listed above.
It may help to write out the rows in a column and then indicate in another column which are raglan decreases and which are neck decreases. Check them off as you complete the rows.

Ok great, I think I got it now!

Thank you very much!

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Got it! Thank you and will keep asking for sure!

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