Shape neck

hi there, appreciate some help with the following:

There are currently 47 stitches prior to shaping neck.

Next row: Pattern 18 sts, turn and work on these sts only for the first side of neck shaping. Cast of 4 sts at beg of next row, 3 sts foll wrong side row, then 2 sts on next 2 wrong side rows for 7 remaining sts.

The pattern thus far has been knit row, K1 P1 to end. I have just ended with a wrong side row, I believe I should now knit 18 stitches, stop and turn my work, and begin K1 P1 while casting off the first 4 stitches. Do I then knit 14 stiches (no cast off) to end of row, and on the next row K1 P1 while casting off 3 stitches and so on? Basically on my knit rows, no casting off?

And when I return to the remaining 29 stitches, how do I start the yarn again? The directions read:

With right side facing, slip centre 11 stitches onto a holder rejoin yarn to rem sts, patt to end. Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.

thank you

The pattern thus far has been knit row, K1 P1 to end. I have just ended with a wrong side row, I believe I should now knit 18 stitches, stop and turn my work, and begin K1 P1 while casting off the first 4 stitches. Do I then knit 14 stiches (no cast off) to end of row, and on the next row K1 P1 while casting off 3 stitches and so on? Basically on my knit rows, no casting off?

No you have to bind off on both rows - one set will be at the armhole edge, the other at the neck edge.

To ‘rejoin’ yarn, you take a yarn end and begin knitting with it, leaving a tail long enough to weave in later.

I think all of this shaping is for the neck edge and all the cast offs are at the beginning of the k1p1 or wrong side rows, as you said.
On the first right side (RS) row, knit 18, turn
WS cast off 4sts, k1p1 to end
RS knit
WS cast off 3sts, k1p1 to end
RS knit
WS cast off 2sts, k1p1 to end
RS knit
WS cast off 2sts, k1p1 to end.
When you do the other side (after slipping the center sts), the neck shaping will all be on the RS or knit rows.

You’re right, I didn’t read that correctly; the pattern does state to BO on the WS rows: "Cast of 4 sts at beg of next row, 3 sts foll [I]wrong side[/I] row, then 2 sts on next 2 [I]wrong side[/I] rows for 7 remaining sts.