Shape back neck

Hello! This is my first jumper project I’m im very confused on the neck shaping. Could someone go into more detail as to how I would go about doing it? Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hi. Directions leave a bit to be desired. But at this point, you should have M + N + M sts on the needle and be ready to start RS row.
Knit M stitches (ignore the rest for now)
Turn and work WS row back across those M stitches you just worked.
Turn and bind off the first M stitches (that you’ve been working)
You now have N + M sts on your needle.
Put the 1st N sts on waste yarn.
Knit across remaining M stitches.
Turn and work a WS row across.
Turn and (on RS) bind off those M sts.

At this point there should be further instructions as to what to do with the middle N sts that are on waste yarn.

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Thank you for clearing that up for me, I understand now!