The pattern states Bind off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows (41) sts. work 1 row. Not sure how to interpret this?:knitting:
Shape armhole
I am no expert, of course, but it sounds like you are shaping armholes for the back of the cardigan or either front or back of a pullover. If so, then you are shaping two armholes at once. In that case, the instructions make sense - you’ll bind off 6 stitches at the beginning of 1 row (maybe RS of work?), knit in pattern across the rest of the row, turn the work, then bind off 6 stitches at the beginning of this row (WS row, perhaps?). With that accomplished, you will now knit (1) row in pattern, with no decreases or binding off. Typically, you would then start doing some small decreases at each end of the needle to continue armhole shaping.
Does that make sense now?