Shandeh Hand-Delivered Our Oddball Preemie Blankets!

Today was a WONDERFUL day for our Oddball Blanket project.
This morning, I took 16 of our original Oddball Preemie Blankets to Carolinas Medical Center, Union in Monroe, North Carolina. They were so appreciative of our blankets!

They just went on and on about how pretty the blankets were, and spoke about the beautiful stitches.

One of the nurses said, “I want to learn to knit!” :thumbsup:
So, I directed her to the Knitting Help website. :wink:

Another of the nurses kept saying, “Wow! I just keep getting goosebumps! This is such a neat thing!” :heart: :heart:

They were all very gracious, and were willing to pose with me, holding some of our blankets. What a great experience!

Thank you all for your hard work on the Oddball Preemie Baby Blanket project. You’re an AMAZING group of knitters!
:cheering: :heart: :muah: :heart: :cheering:

What a great experience for you. The blankets look so pretty and it is so good to see that they are really appreciated. Love the photos.

That’s so cool…I want in…

Thanks for sharing the photos and the happiness. The photos made my day.

Oh Thank you so much for posting pictures!! What a great experience!!! How awesome!!


Just check with the Oddball Region Leader for your area, and they will get you started! :slight_smile:
Northeast - Spikey
Southeast - MamaDawn
Midwest - traceleighj
Southwest - Secksiebrat
West Coast - auburnchick

It couldn’t have happened without the excellent work by all of you wonderful Oddball Knitters! :hug:

:cheering: :woohoo: :cheering:

Great job to everyone who has worked on those blankets . Thanks for the pics Sandy :slight_smile:

Sandy, Thanks for sharing the pictures. Lot’s of babies will be warmer because of the efforts of all those knitters! Thanks for all you do! Becky:p



Hi, does anyone know where I can get a close-up picture of the blanket in the third picture that the nurse is holding? I LOVE the pastels and colors!!

I’m glad you like it! It’s our “Spring Fling” blanket.
Here’s the photo on my Flickr photostream:

Great looking blankets. All of your knitters should be so proud.

Isn’t it a wonderful feeling going to the hospital and delivering love wrapped in yarn? I truly enjoyed it when I did it with the Canadian Oddball Blankets. Last week I even got to hand deliver one to an actual little boy baby. It was rewarding to say the least! However, it would not have been possible without the help of each and everyone of the knitters. You ladies are amazing!!!

Keep up the good work knitters!!!

Yesterday, I delivered another 7 blankets to the hospital. They have ramped up the security a bit, so I was only able to leave them at the front desk. So no photos.

But, the lady at the desk LOVED the blankets, and said “Thank you!” :hug: