I will not cry, i will not shout (much). i will be calm and philosophical. i will i swear.
I may have mentioned it once or twice in other posts but this yarn is DRIVING ME CRAZY! it is so fragile.
It has just snapped whilst im knitting for [I]the 5th time[/I] this sock, and im only on the gusset :wall: (btw, is it just me and my fun wh find that word horid?).
That’s why i gave up on doing a cabled sock and just went for a simple ribbed sock, so that at least it is fairly easy to reatatch the yarn, but it is so frustrating. :hair:
i am never using this yarn again!! except that i have 2 more balls of it in grey and 3 in a lovely dark teal and i hate to see things go to waste. but i won’t. it has been sent by the knitting devil to test me and the knitting devil is winning :twisted:
ok rant over.
thank you and sorry guys.