I am wanting to sell my knitted products online and so far there are only two websites I found that I am willing to use. Etsy and Craigslist? Not sure if any one else on our forum here has tried successfully to sell their own products and how that went for you/them?
I would like to sell my products to raise money for local and foreign charities. Let me know what you all think or if you have any recommendations.
Selling Knitting Products?
One of the biggest concerns for selling your knitting is whether the pattern you use is copyrighted. Many of them say that you can can’t make money, that it’s only for personal use. Check your patterns and contact the designer or publisher.
While it’s true that some people put that in the copyright, it’s also not legally enforceable in the US, and only has the strength of a request, not a law. Though if the pattern is of UK or Australian origin, it is the law there.
Maybe so, but I think it’s the right thing to do.