Seed stitch

My pattern for a scarf has a seed stitch in it and I am confused as to what a seed stitch is. the row goes like this:

row 6: seed,p1,(k1,p1) 13times,p1,seed
row7: seed,p1,c6f,(k1,p1) 2times,c6b,p1,seed

sounds confusing

seed stitch is usually just a kpkpkp pattern.

I’m guessing that in this pattern the ‘seed’ is a type of small bobble.

Check the directions in the beginning section. They should tell you how to make this ‘seed’ specifically. Wherever the pattern says to seed, do what the directions say for the seed in that stitch.

You do the edge sts in seed st pattern, and the center of the scarf is ribbing and cables. You probably did the first 5 rows in seed st, just continue in pattern, at the beg and ends of the row. It should say how many sts to work there like ‘work first and last 5 sts in seed st’ somewhere in the beginning of the pattern. To do seed st, when the next st on the L needle is a knit, purl it, if it’s a purl, knit it.

OK–but I don’t see why they’d say seed for only the first and last stitch. The rest seems to be in seed except for the cables, anyway.

row 6: seed,p1,(k1,p1) 13times,p1,seed
row7: seed,p1,c6f,(k1,p1) 2times,c6b,p1,seed

There may be an error in the pattern or in copying the pattern. The number of sts between the directions “seed” add up to 28sts on row6 and 18sts on row7. Perhaps there’s another 6st cable and (k1p1)2times in there?

Those 6 sts are probably the edge sts in seed st pattern - 3 on each edge.
