Hello! I’m new here and happy to find this site! About 10 years ago I taught myself how to knit but put it away until now! While decluttering I found a partly knitted scarf and I want to finish it but can’t find the pattern! I’m pretty sure it was in a type of teach yourself to knit book but it’s not in any book I have! Please help me!
Scarf pattern
Hi, welcome to site. I’m not expert in knitting as some people here but even I can help. What a nice color
As i see that is 5 rows of garter stich(knit RS and knit WS count as 1 garter row)
4 rows : 3 knit 3 purl,
4 rows: 3 purl 3 knit
Repeat that 8 rows once more, than 5 garter stitch rows
I hope i explain correctly
Just as question if you need help, people here are so nice and can help lot more than me.
Happy knitting
Pretty! As ZKOhio explained, it looks very much like a combination of basket weave and garter stitch bands (two knit or purl rows per ridge, so 10 knit rows for each garter section).
Good luck with the finishing!
Do you remember how to read your knitting?
Bumps or lines across are purls.
V shape is knit.
Looks like you’ve done 2 rows out for this section so the first row you work next would be to “copy” the stitches as they present on the needle.
If its a purl then purl. If its a knit then knit.
I wonder though if these are 4 row sets or 5 row sets?
If you stretch the fabric out a little you can count the V shapes in the column. At first glance it looks like 4 rows but when I zoom in I wonder if I can see another row partially disguised by a purl bump?
Welcome to KH! That’s some lovely knitting! With the help above you can finish this. I look forward to seeing your progress.