Scarf attempt number 2

Hey all so I got started (kind of) on my second attempt at a scarf.
I finished the gauge this morning, it’s a touch small but I figure for a scarf and my first real attempt at anything I’ll be fine. Also I’m using a smaller needle than it suggests so that may play a small role. Anyways I’m hoping to get started on the actual scarf tonight or tomorrow. Should be good but I know its going to take a long time lol.

Picture of the gauge I made

This swatch looks very even and neat. Congrats I think you leveled up!

The scarf will come out a different size if you use smaller needles, the fabric may also be a bit stiffer than expected, but for a first piece I would not worry about it. Enjoy the knitting rather than stressing over whether or not you need to buy more needles.

Cheering you on!


Looking good! Your stitches are nice and even. You are on your way.
Make sure you like the feel of the knit fabric, Since it’s a scarf, a little bigger or smaller won’t make much difference.


Thanks I appreciate the kind words. I’m not overly worried about how the gauge came out, just merely commenting on it. I knew it wasn’t going to be perfect and I’m okay with that :man_shrugging: my wife will enjoy the sweater I’m sure and that’s what matters to me.

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Hey thanks, I appreciate it! Yeah ya know I never thought to feel the fabric and think whether it was a good feel or not for a scarf :laughing: fortunately for me it is lol. A good piece of info to tuck away for the next project lol


Sweaters ARE a different animal altogether from a scarf; feel free to run questions by the forum and give yourself permission to learn and grow from doing the project! I found myself doing lots of scarves and hats until those projects bored me - that’s how I knew it was time to stretch my boundaries.

Your swatch looks great, congrats!


That’s some beautiful knitting. Enjoy making the scarf.

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So far so good folks. Not very far along yet but it can be hard to find time with a 10 month old and renos lol :laughing: 7 rows total in and still at the 36 required sts. Just keeping it slow and not rushing any of it.


Looking good!
This might be the time to mention a lifeline if you don’t already know about one. It’s easy to insert into your knitting and saves time in case you need to rip out some rows (hope this doesn’t happen).


You’ve got a good start! Keeping the right number of stitches is and big achievement. Babies are more important than knitting so enjoy your little one while you can.


Just a little update. Couple days in and things are going well. This scarf is going to take a lifetime to make. I only get a few minutes here and there to work on it :man_shrugging: I’m pleased so far.


More than pleased I hope. The scarf looks wonderful! Yes, it’s going to take time but it’ll be so worth it.

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Great job! The pattern looks wonderful. Practice makes perfect. I hear you about snatching few minutes here& there. Trying to finish a throw by Xmas. But so much else to do at this time of year. I’m raising a granddaughter and so much time devoted to this. Today is cookie decorating day. It’s an all day affair practically. But this is the last major task & I can devote more time to my knitting. Wish me luck!


I love this! It’s coming along nicely. Slow and steady finishes the race, or so I’ve heard. This will be a wonderful scarf.

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Best of luck! I’m 30 and it’s tough to raise a child I can’t imagine the energy it takes as you get older. Time with little ones is much more important, but time to unwind and knit is also valuable. Hope you get the throw done in time :smile:

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You’re doing so well. The stitch pattern is lovely.

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Thanks, ya the picture of the scarf is tiny so I wasn’t sure what the pattern would be but I like it! As does my wife so thats good.

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Good choice on the yarn; I am partial to the flecked affect from heathered wool! So pretty-

Nice yarn choice, goes great with the stitch pattern and your work looks lovely and neat!

Just a small update. 102 rows in, 16" of a total of 69" length. Though I highly doubt it’ll get that long. I’m thinking of stopping at 40-50" we’ll see what it looks like :man_shrugging: