Hello knitters!
I’m hoping to get a lead or creative problem solving ideas for an interesting issue I’ve never encountered previously.
My friend purchased a commercially knit shirt with drop sleeves that she wanted to remove. Unfortunately she cut them off before bringing it to me, otherwise I might’ve saved us some trouble.
In the photos you can see that the remaining edge is a horizontal rib, and the cut went across most of the rows and not just the seam holding the arm to the arm hole.
I’m not opposed to weaving, knitting, or even tacking down via sewing all the loose cut edges before casting on my own ribbing on top, but I was wondering if anyone here has tried to repair a cut like this? If so, do you have any clever advice or ideas on how to lock in the loose ends of the various rows so that they don’t unravel further towards the body.
Please let me know if that’s hard to understand or if this is a bit of a lost cause (meaning lots of hand sewing and such). My concern w a not knit/crochet repair is that if I make a lot of knots to hold these loose strands that my friend will feel all of them when wearing the garment against her skin.
I thought about trying some kind of steeling to hold the edge from unraveling further and then pick up knitting a new rib from the main body. Making the new rib long enough to fold under and seam, effectively capturing the “raw” edge left from her ministrations. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance!!
I was able to unravel one arm to get quite a bit of yarn back
Close up of cut edge, right armhole
Backside of right armhole edge
By the time she got to the left armhole she luckily started to understand the structure and I only see one area of damage that I think I can tie and weave stitches back together