Saga Cardigan (Ravelry) Question

Hi, I’m working on this pattern and have come to the Chart B increases and decreases and do not understand why I’m being asked to do them. The Chart A inc/dec’s made perfect sense but Chart B does not have small panels. Does it have something to do with the yellow highlight on that chart? Any help most appreciated. Thanks! Bonnie

2. The small pattern panels with repeats of 6 stitches x 5 rows, need 1 st less than the total stitch count for the larger pattern panels so the
designs will be symmetrical on each side of the front of the body (does not apply to sleeves). For that reason, the stitch count must be
adjusted by 1 st each time a small panel is worked on the yoke and body: Decrease 1 st on first row of pattern panel and increase 1 in
corresponding place on panel’s last row. Do not increase/decrease just inside front edge; instead, go 10-15 sts in on the row or center back.
Below you’ll find information about which rows on charts A and B this applies to – it is a good idea to mark these rows on the charts. For
example, draw a ring around the row number so you won’t forget to decrease and increase when it is necessary.
Chart A: Sizes XXS-M, rows 4, 8, 24, 28, 44, and 48. Sizes L-XL, rows 16, 20, 36, and 40. Sizes 2XL-4XL, rows 4, 8, 24, 28, 44, 48, 64, and 68.
Chart B: All sizes, rows 1, 5, 21, and 25.


Maybe this one?

See if there are notes on the chart or under Finishing. This sweater is steeked and I wonder if the yellow lines are marking off the steek.
The increase and decrease are to adjust the stitch numbers for the change between the small panels and the large panel. Decrease one stitch on the first round of the small pattern and increase one stitch on the last round. One of the Ravelry posters notes that it’s better to work the increases and decreases on a plain round rather than a pattern round.

Those are the only notes referring to increases and decreases. No, the steek stitches are not included on the charts or counted in the total stitches. The following is the last paragraph referring to the charts but there are no small panels on Chart B and the blue repeat lines are around the entire chart.
3. On the yoke and body, the pattern begins with chart stitch 1 and the repeat (framed in blue) is repeated around + one last st is worked at
end of round on the larger panels so the pattern will be symmetrical at center front. On the sleeves, begin the pattern on given stitch and,
because the stitch count decreases at center of underarm, this stitch shifts a step to the left on the chart. Make sure that the pattern stays
centered on the sleeves (yellow center mark on chart).

Yes, that’s the one. Sorry, I didn’t realize there were so many cardigans with that name

So the yellow line is marking the center stitch which should fall at the center front and center of each sleeve. When I’ve worked sweaters like this I’ve marked the center stitch on front and sleeves and then counted sts between to make sure that the pattern will work between the marked sts. It also helps you confirm that your beginning of round is correct so that the pattern will center where you want.
It seems to me that you’re going to have to increase and decrease at the same place each time in order to keep the pattern the same in all the rounds.

Thanks. That’s what I decided to do. I just couldn’t get my head around the increases on chart B! The sleeves will be my next challenge .