
Please help. I am making a fisherman’s rib knit jumper and the pattern makes no sense to me at this part.
Divide back for neck
Next row (rs): part 29 sts,
turn and leave remaining stitches on holder.
work each side of neck separatley.
dec 1 st at beg of next row and at same edge on 4 foll rows, ending with rs facing for next row.
24 sts
shape shoulder
cast of 11 sts at beg of next row.
work 1 row. cast off rem 13 sts.
with rs facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off center 28 sts, patt to end.
Complete to match first side reversing shapings.

Divide back for neck I’m guessing I have to cut the yarn, work one side, cut the yarn, work the other side?

Shape shoulder I’m totally lost. I’m more visual and can’t find any videos that are not knit in the round.

Please impart your wisdom.

Welcome to KH. Don’t cut the yarn yet. When you’ve purled 29 stitches turn the work and start the next row. If you’re using a circular needle you can just leave the remaining stitches where they are if you want or you can move them to waste yarn until you’re ready for them. I’m not up to speed on decreasing fisherman rib so I’ll leave that for someone else. I just don’t want you cutting they yarn prematurely.

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Welcome to the forum!
Yes, don’t cut the yarn for the first shoulder, just continue with the directions. When you finish the cast off of the remaining 13sts, then you can cut the yarn leaving about a 6" tail to weave in later. You’ll start the second shoulder with a new end of yarn.

You’ll work a decrease at the neck edge at the beginning of the next row (a WS row, at the neck edge) and then at the neck edge on the following 4 rows. That means the first decrease is at the beginning of a WS row, call it row 1. Then there will be decreases at the neck edge of rows 2,3 and 4.

End with the RS facing and bind off 11sts at the armhole edge. Work to the end of the row, turn, work back to the armhole edge, turn and cast off the remaining 13sts.

What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Good morning,

Thank you for this. The pattern i got off ebay so long ago I can’t remember and the design and designer are not listed.

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Hope it all goes easily from here on. If not, come back and ask. We’re all happy to help.

I would also appreciate help with the ‘shape shoulder’ section if you can spare the time.
I have 86 stitches and two sets of 29 only adds up to 58.

I get what to do for the first shoulder but then do I knit the remaining 57 stiches. Then do the second shoulder and have 28 remaining for the shoulder section?

No problem.
At the end of the “shape shoulder”
“shape shoulder: cast of 11 sts at beg of next row.
work 1 row. cast off rem 13 sts.”

The pattern says to cast off the center 28sts. You’ve already worked on the first 29sts so these are the next sts on the needle or a holder. After the cast off of 28 you’ll have the 29sts of the second shoulder to work on. (29+28+29=86)

“with rs facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off center 28 sts, patt to end.
Complete to match first side reversing shapings.”

Basically you’ll have the first shoulder, the bound off sts for the neck and then the sts for the second shoulder, two sets of 29sts with a gap in between where the 28sts were bound off.

Thank you so much.