So should decrease around armhole lean toward the armhole or towards the body of garment. So if doing a decrease at the beginning and end of row. I’ll use an ssk and k2tog on right side and ssp and p2tog on wrong side for total of 7 rows. My head just seems to be spinning the more I ponder this.
Rt/left leaning decrease
You can actually work these decreases either way: following the line of the armhole which is more common or the opposite. I tend to work a ssk at the beginning of the row (ssp WS row) and a k2tog at the end of the row (p2tog on the WS row) but you could do the reverse if you wished.
Thanks. That affirms what I finally was able to locate on the internet. And now that I am looking at it, it makes sense. I’m trying to keep a list hints in a folder on my phone to readily refer to for future reference
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