Going from k1 p1 to k every round on a sleeve. The increase reads as such rib 1 (M1, rib 1) 49 times. How do I do this?
Rowan Quartz Sweater Sleeve Increases
Hi LauraA welcome to the forum. I will try to explain as best as I can.
After you make required rows of rib ( k1, p1 ) next row is increase row. Before knit stitch in the rib stitch you need to make M1 ( make one) stitch in any method designer request 49 times in that row.
What designer and pattern you are making, it is easier to help later if you will need. Dont hesitate to ask. Always is some able to help here.
Rowan Quartz sweater
Rowan Quartz Sweater
Are you okay with the increases now? Do say if you are still stuck.
I usually do a kfb (knit front and back into one stitch) on the transition row between rib and stockinette but your pattern might have a particular type of m1 to use which would be detailed in the abbreviations part of the pattern.