Rowan Powder Sweater Help

Can anyone help with the Rowan Powder Sweater? I’m not sure if I’ve messed up till I get some circular needles and stretch it out but I feel the lace has gone wrong and I’ve ended up with a lot more stitches than I’ve started with on the 2nd set of 1-28 on the lace pattern - is that normal?

I’ve attached some pics: first pics is what’s meant to be diamonds and second pic is one part of the lace that’s gone right.


I know I can’t help very much as I only recently started my first lace project, but I know how hard I found it and had to rip right back and tink rows many times before I finally got to grips with it.

What may help a little is to look at the photos of the finished piece in a different colour (if you aren’t already) in the projects on ravelry. I think it is hard to see the pattern properly when it is white on white. If you go on ravelry there are some really clear photos.

I’m afraid to me it looks like both of your lace pieces have gone off track. There is a central line which should run vertically through the centre of the diamond and on your line on photo 2 has gone off to the right.

The number of stitches should probably stay the same. I now in my pattern one of the rows increases by lots but 2 rows later it decreases the same amount to return to the correct number. My pattern tells me not to count stitches on those certain rows which have additional stitches.

I found life lines really helpful and have put in a new life line before every pattern repeat. Mine is a 12 row repeat, I put a life line through between the rib and the lace (on the rib decrease row before my lace started) and then on every row 12. I would advise doing similar so that you have a safe row to rip back to.

Good luck with it, I’m sure you can get some more experienced help with how to work this pattern, I mainly stopped by for moral support.


Stunning pattern! Your knitting looks very pretty too.

There are errors in the pattern but I don’t know if those apply to the row you’re working or not:
“The pattern is wrong: line 19, line 23 and line 27 of the first chart rows 1 to 28 should have “^” (sl2 sts as of tp K2tpg. K1, pass 2 slipped sts over) in between two middle “o” (yfwd). For reference, see chart rows 29 to 46.”

If there aren’t stitch counts for each row, it will help to go back to the previous row and count the number of sts that the row should end with. Then count the sts needed for the current row (these should match) and count the number of sts after completing the row. This last number should match the number of sts on your needle.
Just looking at the lace, it seems to me that the stitch count should remain the same across the rows (the number of yarn overs equal to the decreases).
Are you working from the chart or the written instructions?

As Creations suggested, a lifeline is a real lifesaver here.