Rowan Bizet Pattern Help

I have a question about the armhole shaping on the Bizet pattern in Rowan Magazine Number 54. The instructions for the XL size state: Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 9 rows; then on foll 10 alt rows
Does this mean that I should decrease 1 st on the armhole edge(RS only) 9 times and then 1 st on each edge (RS & WS rows) 10 times?
Thanks for your help!

Decrease at the armhole edge on the next 9 rows, RS and WS. That’s rows 1-9.
Then decrease every other row (RS rows only). That’s rows 11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 and 29.

Thanks! I am working on the rightside of back only. In other words there is only 1 armhole edge at the beginning of every RS row. I take it to mean that I should decrease on that edge on rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. My question is after that. If I decrease on both sides it would decrease at the armhole and neck. Does that make sense? I’mjust not sure.

That’s helpful to know. There’s an armhole edge at the beginning of the RS rows and also at the end of the WS row. So the initial decreases are at the beginning of a RS row on row 1 and at the end of the WS row on row 2. That puts the decreases “…at armhole edge of next 9 rows;” on rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

For the next part “Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 9 rows; then on foll 10 alt rows”, the decreases are still at the armhole edge. It reads as decrease at the armhole edge of the next 9 rows and then decrease at the armhole edge of the following 10 alternate rows.
All of the decreases are at the armhole edge unless there is some different direction after the “…then on foll 10 alt rows…”, something like then on the foll 10 alt rows, decrease at the neck edge.

You might read ahead and see when decreases occur to shape the neck edge.

The pattern decreases on the armhole edge more rapidly by decreasing a stitch on each row rather than only on the right side row. Some patterns might have you decrease (bind off) 2 stitches at the armhole edge to achieve this same rate of decrease but the 2 stitch bind off makes a bit more of a stairstep shape whereas decreasing 1 st at this edge on both the right side and the wrong side makes the slope smoother.

After the more rapid decrease of every row at the armhole edge it becomes less rapid with the single stitch decrease every other row.

So far none of these are at the neck edge. The pattern might ask you to shape the neck edge “at the same time” or it might not.

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Thank you both for taking the time to walk me through this!
