Rosy Garden Knitting pattern blanket help!!

HI!! I’m new here and I first started knitting when I was about 8 years old used to do baby knitting patterns etc. as I developed my style I turned to crocheting and have successfully made a number of items however now I would like to try a baby knitting pattern again! I found the pattern I’d like to use and refuse to give up on however I have hit my first bump 23 rows in, now im doing the blanket in the set and there’s a rose bud effect? and its over 5 stitches the pattern for said rosebud pattern is as follows:

rosebud 5 sts = over next 5 sts, 3 long loops are pulled up to form rosebud effect. Work these 5 sts as follows: K1, insert right needle point into centre of 3rd st of this group of 5 sts but 4 rows below and draw a loop through and leave this loop on right needle, K2, insert right needle point into centre of same st as used for last long loop and draw a 2nd loop through and leave this loop on right needle, K2, insert right needle point into centre of same st as used for last long loop and draw a 3rd loop through and leave this loop on right needle.

I have spent a couple hours trying to figure this out but I cannot!!! can someone explain this to me in simpler terms?

Thanks for any help I am determined to do this!!!



Such a pretty set. The stitch is called the dip stitch. This video may help. Your numbers of sts and rows are different but the idea of the stitch is the same.

I have that blanket and sweater set in my favorites.

Omg thank you!!! I will watch this hopefully this will help, as I said I have done sets before but wanted to do something different!! this forum seems to be a godsend!! hopefully can make some friends!

Thanks again


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I have spent many hours trying to work the rosebud stitch. I substituted a lace stitch that I found on Sheila’s blog on the cardigan and tried again for the blanket but I have to admit defeat. I have watched the dip stitch video - thank you - which sheds some light on it but it’s not the same.
I wish people wouldn’t put all their patterns that people have problems with out as free patterns.
It is a very pretty pattern but it is such a waste of time to have to keep trying different things, fail, substitute something else, try again, fail again. I am an experienced knitter and I don’t give up easily.

Welcome to the forum!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with this pattern. It is a lovely set.
The video isn’t exactly the same but the idea of putting the needle into a stitch several rows below and then pulling up a loop of yarn is the same. The numbers are different as far as stitches and rows it’s true.
Here’s a photo tutorial that shows a similar stitch where the loops are pulled through nearby stitches. Maybe it’ll help.

If not maybe you can post a photo showing where you are inserting the needle in order to pull up a loop. I appreciate your frustration. We all hit that low point at some time.

Thank you so much for your response.
I am mainly inserting my needle into the fourth horizontal bar down not counting the one of the stitch on the needle.
The problem is that it is then distorted and difficult to identify for the second and especially third time . I have tried putting a stitch marker into it either before I begin or after the first insertion but I get an even worse result with that. I have tried the vertical legs. I have tried right leg, bar, left leg. Once or twice I have had a result that looks something like the picture but I don’t know what I did to get it and can’t replicate it!
I have had another session with my swatch having taken my blanket workings back.
Any suggestions appreciated!
Thank you again

Here’s some photos of the stitch pattern. The trick is to keep the loops pulled through the stitch very loose so that the lower stitch 4 rows below is minimally distorted.
This is the 5sts marked off:
Here I’ve knit one then placed the right needle into the stitch 4 rows below:
Now I’ve drawn up a loop as if I was knitting into the stitch:
Then knit 2 and draw up a loop in the same way into the same stitch as before. If the loop is loose it won’t distort the stitch very much:
K2 then repeat picking up another loop. I found it easier to pick up this loop with the left needle then place it on the right hand needle:
As long as you keep the picked up loops very loose, it’ll work. The loops look a bit sloppy while you’re working them but turns out ok.


Hi salmonmac

Thank you very much. I eventually realised from another video that I hit upon by chance. If only the pattern said that it is dip stitch I could have searched for it. I was trying to go into the actual stitch instead of pulling the yarn through from the back.

The only other issue I have with the set is that the side edges of the matinee jacket curl under. I am going to put 6 buttons down the left side, not all the way down but to just above the rosebud stitches and try knitting some little loops to place under the garter stitch edge on the right edge.

Again, thank you for your trouble.



Glad to know that it worked out. You may be able to reduce the curl on the fronts by washing according to the ball band on the yarn and laying flat to dry. Make sure the bands lie flat.
Stockinette is going to curl but this reduces that tendency a bit.

Thank you.
I blocked before I sewed the matinee jacket up.
I have placed the buttons and need to make loops. I will try with 2 rows fatter stitch and a fatter stitch cast off but I am not sure how it will turn out. I think the edges will still turn in between the buttons.

The system keeps changing g a r t e r to fatter.


Yes. I got stuck too . The stitch is called dip stitch and there are videos on it once you know what it’s called.
You are not knitting into the stitch. You put the needle through the fabric, pick up the yarn at the back and pull the YARN through! It’s easy when you know how.

I have tried re setting my password and user name but it says primary email address is already taken. That is because it is mine!
I tried logging in with the details I had already set up so I don’t know why I couldn’t get in. Is user name email address or user name? I tried both.
Thank you