I am knitting a scarf. The pattern is k1, p1, k1, stocking stitch across, k1, p1, k1. The problem is that the whole thing is rolling lengthwise into one giant roll. I have never had this problem before with anything that has this edging on it and I have knitted for years. I never make scarves, so maybe that’s the problem?
Rolling knitting
I usually do more than 3 sts on the edges of a stockinette st scarf, maybe 6sts on each edge. It may help to put an edging onto the cast on end as well and to add one at the cast off. A seed st would complement the k1pik1 edge that you have. And of course, blocking may help too with the dreaded st st curl.
You need a few rows in another pattern to start it with, then more than 3 edge sts to keep it from curling. Try about 5 or 6 rows and 5 edge sts each side.
Thank you. I did put a bottom border on it, but only 3 rows. Next time I will do 6 or 7 all the way around.