Is the issue of Simply Knitting that you famous ladies are in the one with the chunky wool coat on the cover?
I don’t know about over there, but the magazine here is covered in plastic and so you can’t look through it.
Rita And Limey Are Famous!1
No that is last months issue . This months has a white longcardigan on the front a pic of some babies in hats and a pic of Alan dart’s cupid.
I’ll be sure to look for it then next month.
Hi Tarrentella
Many thanks for the link - I’d love to go and see the shop and to think I used to live not far from there in Darlington for a few years.
I clicked on the newsletter and scrolled down to the photo - that globe bead is absolutely amazing - really unusual.
Be careful in the world of beads, very careful - it’s as addictive as knitting!:knitting:
All the Best
Ellie (not the Welsh one):teehee:
congrats to both of you! Limey- i love all your stuff one day, i will order some markers, and holders AND NEEDLES! i love themetal cables
What is shipping to the USA? :eyebrow:
Go Ellie and…mmm… Ellie! ! Limey, i checked your site, you’ve got some great stuff there! And Nobones - don’t drop hints - make a list next time and mail it to all your relatives with a humble note telling how you would appreciate if someone will give you a knitting related present :teehee:
[quote=jeanius80;1045053]congrats to both of you! Limey- i love all your stuff one day, i will order some markers, and holders AND NEEDLES! i love themetal cables
What is shipping to the USA? :eyebrow:[/quot
Hiya Jeanie
Thanks so much for your kind comments, I’m very glad you like my knitting ‘gear’.
Shipping prices obviously depend on weight but if you wanted to order say, two or three needles, the cost for airmail would be roughly just over $3. (£1.58) per 100 gms or three & half oz.
The strange thing with delivery times is that people on the West Coast always seem to get their packages first - it takes approx 3 to 4 days from UK to CA. The rest of US takes 5 to 6 days.
If you see anything you might want on my website (there’s a close-up of the metal cable - just click on circular needles on nav. bar)
just give me a PM and I’ll be happy to give quotes on postage charges.
All the Best
omg! what a good idea! :yay:
Wow! Is that really you, swinging about on that beam!!?? Do you still do gymnastics?
Good grief - that’s one set of strong, flexible wrists you’ve got there - you’ll be able to make mincemeat of a Continental Purl.
All the Best