Right Side/Wrong Side SOS

I unwisely tried to design an afghan pattern even though I’m VERY rusty.

I’d appreciate any advice on how to get out of the mess I made which is that I’m using a circular needle and I finished the edging, did my increases and now I realize that the Right Side rows are having to be knit left to right…

Is there a way to fix it? It’s making my brain hurt trying to figure it out!

Please help!
Thank you so much in advance!

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
I may not be understanding the problem. Are you working from a chart for the blanket? Can you add in a row to get to a RS row?
Maybe a photo of the blanket so far would help. You can use the landscape icon at the top of the Reply box to post a photo.

Thank you so much for responding, @salmonmac! I think I just figured it out. Simply need to slide the work to the other end of the circular needle and start a new skein there. I complicated it somehow.
I’m sure I’ll be back with more questions soon and I’ll include photos next time!

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Best of all is when you figure it out. It’ll be fun to see a photo of this blanket when you finish!

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