Ridge and lace got me all messed up

the pattern i am fallowing is complex there are 24 rows that make up 1 pattern. I have made it to 19th row but am now not sure what they mean . It says 19th row: K1. Purl to last st. dropping extra loop off needle to form a long st. K1
Not sure but you may need to know that 18th row said, Inc. 1.st. in 1st.st.*K3tog. wrapping wool around needle twice.(K1.P1.K1)into next st. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2.

*18th row said, Inc. 1.st. in 1st.st.*K3tog. wrapping wool around needle twice.(K1.P1.K1)into next st. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. K2.

Did you paraphrase here? It reads a bit odd. It would make if the wrapping the wool around teh needle twice bit were YOs. Because on the next row that is what you would drop, but it seems that you do this multiple times in row 18 and only do the drop once on row 19.

*It says 19th row: K1. Purl to last st. dropping extra loop off needle to form a long st. K1

Again, dropping an extra loop usually refers to drooping a YO and making an elongated stitch. Seems though the only thing to drop here would be the increase in the first stitch from row 18. So, if you did a kfb as your increase, just knit one of those two stitches/loops now and drop the other off the needle.

When you do the k3tog, you have an extra wrap around the needle, so when you come to those sts on the next row you just drop one of the loops off and purl the st.