I was trying to use alternating cable cast on for 1:1 ribbing for the first time. I cast on 55 stitches and ended with a purl. Row 1 of rib states p2,k1 p1k1; repeat from to last 2 stitches, p2
row 2: k2, p1, *k1p1, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, k2. It seems to be off on row 1- that I’m purling knit stitches and knitting purl. Of course row 2 lines up but I thought the point of this cast on was that it flowed right up to edge. Am I doing this wrong. The directions did not tell what cast on to use, is the one I used not workable with this pattern?
Ribbed cast on
The cast on is an odd number of sts. What if you work your cast on as k2, p1 (k1,p1) ending k2?
That way Row 1 and following would knit the Vs and purl the bumps.
Tried that but didn’t come out right so I started my cast on with p2, then k1p1 across. But if I do last 2 stitches as purls the working yarn is over 2 stitches because it’s thinking next stitch is a knit so I’m not sure what to do. Any thoughts?
I saw somewhere that it mentions even number of stitches so maybe this won’t work because it’s an odd number. I might just switch to a long tail cast on and save myself some unnecessary frustration.
I don’t know much about this but if the problem is that the cast on needs an even number and your pattern an odd number couldn’t you just cast in 1 more or 1 less to make it work and later, after the rib, fix the number of stitches to the correct number for the rest if the pattern?
Sorry don’t know what you’re making but I’m just thinking one stitch more or less in a rib on a jumper wouldn’t make a lot if difference to size and would enable you to use the cast on you want to use. Often the number of stitches changes as the end of a rib section anyway so one more worked in wouldn’t make much difference would it?
Long tail is a good alternative and it makes a lovely edge. I happen to like the bumpy side of the long tail but either side will work. After all, you’d like to get started on your pattern and enjoy the knitting!
Just to be complete, here’s the ribbed cast on that I’ve used before:
Hmm, could this be a problem between which row you start on?
Some cast-ons leave you ready to work a right-side row, others a wrong-side row.
So after the alternating cable cast on, is your first row going to be a RS or WS row? And what is Row 1 in your pattern?
Row 1 is a WS side row. It says p2 k1, *p1k1; repeat from *, to last 2 stitches, p2
If row 1 is a wrong side row, that could be the problem.
I’m afraid my brain is a bit tired tonight and I don’t want to steer you wrong.
Perhaps someone else could chime in?
Is this knit back and forth rather than in the round? What is the name of your pattern?
There is likely a reason for the edge sts to be k2 on each end on RS rows. Sometimes not but knowing the pattern name may help with this. Anyway, longtail cast on sounds like a good choice.
It’s knit back and forth. The pattern is lion brand wool ease thick and quick back to basics knit cardigan from michaels. I looked at the video and used some scrap yarn to try it. So not sure whether to use that or just a straight long tail cast on?
Yes, it’s a split hem so that’s the reason for the p2 at either end of the cast on. The k2 from the RS gives a bit more finished look. The pattern doesn’t specify so go ahead and use your favorite cast on. Long tail will certainly work and is a great go-to cast on.
Thanks for the help. Am getting started!
Your working odd numbers. It doesn’t make sense to me. You seem to be short of one stitch. I have no idea. Good luck
Maybe the pattern isn’t correct? Did you purchase the pattern or was it free. I notice a lot of errors with free patterns
Thanks for looking at the issue. I’ve moved on. Used a long tail cast on and got to work. It’s progressing well. It takes me a while but maybe will post when it’s completed!