Reversing RF directions to work LF question

Good morning all!

I’ve almost completed the right front of a baby sweater, and am a bit unsure about reversing the right front instructions to work the left front. Will I work the garter stitch border at the beginning or the end of the row for the left front?

Right Front patterns instructions as follows:

With Yarn B, cast on 27 sts.
Work in garter st for 8 rows.

Row 1(RS): with yarn B, k6 for border, with yarn A work row 1 of pat 1 time to end.

Row 2: with yarn A, p to last 6 sts, with yarn B, k to end.

I’ve tried to attach a photo of the WIP to make things a bit easier. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Charlotte

You’ll work it just the opposite of the right side.

Row 1 will have the border at the end of the row and row 2 will have it at the beginning.

Nice little start you have, the subtle color change is lovely.

Many thanks Meri! Your reply came just in time, having 5-ish rows left to complete before starting the left side.