I’ve written about this before so please bear with me. I’m knitting for my grandchildren which I don’t have yet. But I’m afraid I’ll be gone when they arrive and I want them to know how much I loved them. So, I’m knitting afghans galore, and now I’m starting on a baby sweater. Here’s the problem.
Right Front
With CC loosely CO 15 stitches. Purl 1 row. With MC work in st st until piece measures 8-1/4 inches from beg. End after a WS row. Bind off 3 sts at beg of next row, 2 sts at beg if next RS row, and 1 st at beg of folowing RS row - 9 sts. Work even until piece mesures 10-1/2 inches from beg. Bind off.
Ok, I’m all right with all of this. BUT WHEN I GET TO THE LEFT FRONT, IT SAYS “Make as for Right Front, REVERSING SHAPINGS.”
Sorry, but I never did get this down. Could someone tell me exactly what to do, and I mean exactly, st for st so I don’t screw this up? I would be eternally grateful…