Reverse Shapings - Pattern Help for a Newbie!


I’m unsure how to continue with a cardigan pattern - I have to “reverse shapings” to match the left front.

Here’s the pattern - any guidance would be gratefully received!

Shape front slope
cast off 3 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row.
work 1 row
Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 5 rows, then on foll 2 alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at front slope edge of 5th and foll 6th rows.
Dec 1 st at front slope edge only on 6th and 1 following 8th rows.
Cont striaght until right front matches back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with RS facing for next row.
Cast off 6 sts at beg of next row.
Work 1 row.
cast off rem sts.

Whiteboxer the Newbie!

To ‘reverse shaping’ all you need to do is put the decs at the other end of the row and do the BOs on the WS row, it has to be at the beg of a row.

So - ‘cast off 3 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row, work 1 row.’ - becomes 'dec 1 st at beg of next row, and cast off 3 at the beg of the following row and finish that row.

‘Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 5 rows, then on foll 2 alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at front slope edge of 5th and foll 6th rows. Dec 1 st at front slope edge only on 6th and 1 following 8th rows.’

This remains the same except the armhole edge will be at the end of the row and neck/front edge at the beg of the rows.

Then cast off for the shoulders at the beg of the row on the armhole edge, likely a WS row.