Re: General question re seed/moss (UK) stitch

Hi everyone. I am making a top predominantly in seed stitch (or moss stitch in the UK) and my tension is so untidy and a lot less neat than stocking stitch, rib etc. Any tips at all please? Thank you x

This is such a lovely stitch pattern and it creates a beautiful knit fabric.
Take care on the tension especially for the purl stitch after the knit stitch. I give a slight pull to snug up the purl stitch.
Here’s a video on knit/purl tension that may help.

Practice helps but I find that I still need to be conscious of tension with seed, moss and ribbing.

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This is fabulous! Thank you for this and sorry for the delay in replying! You are a knitting angel, salmonmac. Your help has been invaluable every time I have asked a question. Thank you and please know how incredibly appreciated you are. You are the difference between disappointment and a feeling of defeat and enjoyment and a feeling of achievement and progress made. Indeed, everyone who has replied to me is very appreciated and I am grateful for the time people take to help a stranger. It means a lot. Thank you xx


Thank you very much for your very kind post. We’re all happy to help a member of this wonderful KnittingHelp community.

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Well said. I agree totally.


Thanks so much Salmonac. I have just started to knit the the yoke of a sweater for which I have to knit a spiral rib where the main repeat is k3, p2. I didn’t know about this technique but will use it now.

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