Random Stripe generator


THIS has got to be the single coolest site I have seen.

You tell it what colors you want to use, and how “thick” you want the stripes, and it gives what it looks like, and how many rows to knit of each!!! WAY VERY COOL!!!

Ooooooooh, that IS cool!!! :cheering:

Considering I’m doing a striped booga bag right now, I think I may need to try this to get a unique result.

YAY, this is fun!!


oo ive done this with my graphing calculator :slight_smile: I swear if I didnt know how to use that thing i wouldnt have passed my statistics class at all!

You are right … It is the coolest site!!! I have just started a Kids Knit group. We have LOTS of donated yarn … various amounts of LOTS of different colors. Many of the kids are knitting garter stitch scarves. This will be such a cool site to share with them!

We’ve used our computer lab to watch Amy’s how to videos. I will love sharing another way to incorporate technology into an age old art!

you are welcome!!!

I just want to make something stripey just to use it!!!

and don’t forget to scroll all the way down, it gives you row counts, and little circles to check off too!!! :slight_smile: