Hi all, first post! (But I imagine not my last)
I’ve been knitting the Wool And The Gang My Guy sweater (link: https://www.woolandthegang.com/en/products/my-guy-sweater-kit) and I think I am up to the raglan, but am having trouble with the pattern.
I have just cast off in two places on the body to create my arm holes, and am beginning to work up the back, but I’m not sure if I’ve made a mistake.
The next step reads: Decrease Row: p1 st, k1 st, k1 st, make a left-leaning decrease, starting with a k st, work in 1x1 rib until you have 5sts left of your row, make a right-leaning decrease, k1st, p1st, k1st.
The next step suggests to do the opposite, knitting and then purling. I assume this is to form the raglan (I have never made one before).
My problem is, the row I’m on starts with a knit stitch, not a purl stitch, and I imagine that purling it will ruin the rib? I’ve counted all my stitches and I have the right number on both front and back (123), and I have also done the right number of rows (for the most part I’ve been working in the round, but am now working back and forth across the back).
Am I being silly? Do I just start with a purl? or should I invert the step so I start with a knit? Or should I stitch one more row so I can turn my work and then start with a purl? I’m going mad overthinking this, would appreciate a more expert knitter’s advice xx
Lily xx