I’m trying to knit my very first baby sweater and the pattern calls for a raglan decrease as follows:
Decreasing: applies to raglan decreases. Decrease within 1 st as follows:
From the RS: after 1 st: K2 tog; before 1 st: slip 1 st as if to knit, K1, psso.
From the WS: before 1 st: P2 tog; after 1 st: P2 tog into back of st.
Does this mean that I will knit (or pearl) to the middle and follow instructions above? If so on the RS (knit side) do I K2 tog, knit a regular st and then s,k, psso …
And on the WS (pearl side) do I P2 tog, pearl a regular st and then P2 tog in the back of st?
This is probably something easy, but I’m used to instructions really walking me through things.