[QUIZ] What kind of knitter are you? *updated with new quiz*

Forgive me if this has already been done around here before. I love these little quiz things and thought this one was fun…

Take the quiz: Are you a knitter?

My results:
You’re a hip knitter! Anything in style, in vogue, in fashion, or expensive is your thing! I bet you’re a big fan of the Tiny Diva…

[size=2]Actually, I must not be all that hip, because I have no idea who the Tiny Diva is…[/size]

I may not be a granny, but I have the mentality of one.

Hmm, I just knew I wasn’t a hipster… :wink:

I’m a granny, too! Is that good or bad, being a granny?

I’ve never been a hipster, so not getting that result came as no surprise! :wink:

It says I’m a young knitter just starting out. It’s true that I’m just starting out as a knitter, but young…umm not really. I will be 40 10 this year :wink:

I am NOT a cutsie knitter!! This quiz is WRONG! I am hip. I know I am hip. I have the hips to prove it too! :smiley:

You’re a cutsie knitter! Knit anything for kids or babies, it doesn’t matter what yarn or needles as long as the end result is ADORABLE!

That definitely is NOT me!

[color=violet][size=6]TOO FUNNY![/size] :roflhard:
It says I’m a young knitter…[size=7]NOT![/size][/color] :roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard:

You’re a young knitter, just starting out. Welcome to the fold! Find yourself some nice soft yarn and grab a latte- it takes a while to finish a project but it’s well worth it.

true…won’t be a year till end of May… :smiley:

Granny. :crying: I’m not ready for my 13 year old DD to be a mom!!!

You’re a young knitter, just starting out. Welcome to the fold! Find yourself some nice soft yarn and grab a latte- it takes a while to finish a project but it’s well worth it.

Hmmm… Also, not young, but definetely new. Does my greeness show that much? Yes, I suppose it does… :frog: :wink:

You may not be a granny, but you’ve got the mentality. Hard work and artistic vision lead to your beautiful knitted results.

It fits me :smiley:

I will be 40 10 this year

:roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard:

This is a little ditty I made up for all us ladies who are “of a certain age”

Happy reverse day to you! Happy reverse day to you!
The calendar says you are (insert real age here) but you look like 22! :balloons:

Not enough answers to really answer these questions properly, but…

“You may not be a granny, but you’ve got the mentality. Hard work and artistic vision lead to your beautiful knitted results.”


You may not be a granny, but you’ve got the mentality. Hard work and artistic vision lead to your beautiful knitted results.

:shock: Granny huh?!

:roflhard: :roflhard:

I’m a granny :??

:roflhard: :roflhard: That is even funnier than me being a granny :wink:

We’ve got lots of grannies around here! Maybe we redefine the word. :smiley:

Jan, I agree, pretty short quiz (and why, oh why were Addis not on the list of needle options? :?? ) Maybe we should write our own quiz!

You’re feminine side is showing! :wink:

I’m a granny, too!

You’re a young knitter, just starting out. Welcome to the fold! Find yourself some nice soft yarn and grab a latte- it takes a while to finish a project but it’s well worth it.

I am NOT just begginging with my knitting! :evil:

:help: :verysad:

Would you rather be a granny, Jenelle? :rofling:

You are a masterful knitter! I don’t know how you got this result, but what the hell… Enjoy your title, and try selling some of your “unvented” patterns- you may make enough for that bundle of qiviut you’ve been drooling over…

:thinking: Dunno how I got that! :?? I’m doing my first colourwork project ever! If this was for crochet, I’d totally agree though! :wink: