Question posed

This is just an invitation for all you knitters to visit my new blog and leave your input about a question I posed.

Happy Knitting! :knitting:

Why don’t you just ask your question here so we don’t have to click another link? :shrug:

to answer your question I don’t. I follow the pattern the first time i make the item then by that point i’ve usually found some way to add a bit of something and i take it as a learning experience.

Ie: first weasley sweater gave me no end of grief and was very boring making the back piece… this time i’m just doing it straight stockingette stitch and i put a marker every 30 stitches that I’ve got on my needles so that I can do something else while working on it.

i agree with jan

Hi Jan,
Yes, I guess I can post my question, and maybe I’ll do that. I was just trying to get a little traffic for my new blog

I can understand your wanting traffic for a new blog, however, most people don’t want to click outside links when you can do everything right here. I’ve noticed that people who post links to their finished projects or photos don’t get the same response or traffic as they do when they post in here. I feel bad for them, but why load two or more pages when you are already on a page that could have the picture? Your blog isn’t bad, but some… :zombie:… If you’d rather send people to your blog to see your stuff that’s fine, too. You just won’t get the response you might hope for. :shrug:

ETA: you can post a small link to your blog in your signature. People do occasionally click them from there when they have time. :wink:

I only fix mistakes if they are very obvious or they throw off my stitch count. As for checking my work, it depends on the size of the project. If it’s a hat, I check every few rows, if it’s a lapghan/afghan, only every few inches. I should really check more often because the farther you go before checking the more you have to frog if you did make a boo-boo.