Question on pattern amount of stitches

I am starting a child’s pattern the MacDerra Coat and row 1 I have too many sts. Can I write out the row? It is 64 sts to start and have garter st 9 rows

Is it this one?

This is such a beautiful jacket design!

It’s ok to type out a line or two that you’re stuck on to get help with. I’m sure someone will be able to help with the stitch count.

Thanks, I was about to switch patterns as it has taken a long time for the correct gauge. Starting with 52 sts and increased 10 so with 62
Row 1: sl1, k4(0,0,1)time,p0(2,2),t2(0,1,1)time,p2,k4,p2,k4,p8,k4,p12,k4,p2,t2(0,1,1) time,p0(2,2),k4(0,0,1)time,k1
I’m doing the second size so didn’t do any t2not sure why couple brackets show 2 sizes and most have the 3. Could very well be my interpretation thanx so much!


Sorry I’m not able to work out the maths on that row. It is confusing that some of the instructions have only 2 sizes in brackets whilst some have 3 and several of the second size which you are making appear to be 0 times which leaves it short on stitches (in my view anyway, like you I am stumped).

Someone else here may well be able to see something we are missing, but meanwhile, how about contacting the designer to ask about this row?
I followed a link on ravelry to the website and on there found a contact page. Here it is

It must be frustrating having this on the needles and not being able to progress right away but it’s a beautiful design, I think it’s worth trying to get an answer.

Shar1989, would you go over the row that you posted and make sure that it’s quoted correctly? Are there missing repeats of p2,k4 before the p8? Is the p12 possibly a p2? It’s not a straightforward row to quote because of all the repeats, I know.
These patterns are often symmetrical and since this is knit in one piece, the p8 between the trees on the back might be the center point.

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Ah, check the Comments section on Ravelry for the MacDara. The next to last question is in regard to the second size row 3 but it may help out here.
The question for the designer:
I am knitting the MacDara Coat in the second size (first size within the parentheses). I am on row 3 of the patters; have 62 stitches on the needle. When I add up the stitches on row 3 for my size, I come up with only 60 stitches (with the m1’s).
The reply:
Row 3: sl1, p2, t2, p2, c4f, p12, m1, k4, p8, k4, m1, p12, c4b, p2, t2, p2, k1.
I’ve just read your message here, and notice that t2 is missing at both sides, which would make up the total to 64, which is what it should be.

Now this row has 2 increases which you haven’t gotten to yet but leaving those out for the moment, this row works with 62sts.

Thank you so much for your help! I will go into Ravelry and have a look at that. I wondered why only two sizes showed up in a couple spots and thought it probably had something to do with those t2s. I happen to have 5 left over but will definitely got through it again.

Appreciate the help, have a great day!:blush:( I may be back lol )


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Let us know how it goes. Don’t hesitate to come back with any questions and be sure to let us see a photo when you finish. It’s a beautiful little jacket.

thank you and for sure I will!