Question on Ann Norling Child’s Cardigan Pattern #29

I am knitting the green cardigan with flowers but am struggling with the fronts. The pattern says to put 8 stitches on holder and knit to end decreasing 1 stitch every other row. When I look at the picture it looks like the 8 stitches are part of the armhole but when I get to the collar portion it says to knit the stitches on holder and start to pick up stitches for collar. Should the stitches on holder be part of the armhole or collar?

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Even though the photo shows the sleeves inset into the armhole, the instructions don’t have that bind off or indent on the body. The underarms are marked with a thread or marker and the body continues straight up.
The 8sts on hold are for the button and buttonhole bands and the decreases are at the neck edge. These 8sts are part of the collar.

Thank you so much. I guess I have some work to do (undo). I haven’t used this pattern in 13 years.

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