I’ve been incapacitated the past few days. I experienced a sudden "posterior vitreous detachment"
at tail end of my art show on Saturday night. [B]Floaters and Lightning Flashers[/B] followed. Plus some blurriness. Oy vey! Scarry.
No knitting for the past few days! :pout:
Anyway, I haven’t knit but two rows of that next repeat. What I tried first (before smaller needles) is: I knit the cables very carefully off the very points of my Addi Lace tips. (the new Addi Lace tips have a very long nose…very graduated…like a long diving board instead of a shortie like OPTIONS, and you can actually work from them alone, not the shaft)
[COLOR=Blue]The result is a great improvement![/COLOR] :happydance:
I also took Jan’s advice[/B]…and I wrapped the purl stitch clockwise…which one? you ask…the purl stitch that immediately precedes and follows the knit stitch of the actual K3’s of the cable. Because it’s THAT knit stitch…the very first or last knit of that cable leg…that gets all wonky and leggy.
Any cable K3 leg, if it has a purl sitting next to it…that purl stitch gets wrapped clockwise. Then on the WS you simply knit it through the back loop ‘to right it’…to ‘seat it’ correctly again.
I think wrapping the purl stitch clockwise eliminates excess yarn from piling up in between the knit and the purl…creating the leggy knit stitch.
This is hard to describe in writing.
When the floaters (big ones!) and lightning flashers didn’t go away overnight, my family insisted that I go in to ER. I guess they were worried about stroke, etc. Internet medical information can be helpful, but also makes the imagination run wild. So in we go to the ER.
I was in the ER yesterday for 4 hours yesterday, tests, etc, etc. In the end, they referred me to a specialist. They just don’t have the equipment to look into the eyeball. But they did rule out stroke, etc.
I went to the Retinal Ophthalmologist today. He turned both my eyes nearly inside out…and discovered the problem. [B]Good news: [/B]so far, the vitreous membrane detachment has not managed to also pull the retina away from it’s neighbor, the choroid. THAT would be called retina detachment, which cannot be left unattended.
My eyes are still blurry from the whole examination. But I think I can knit in a few minutes here…and finish that repeat on my Eadon!
Oh we knitters…we can’t be stopped for long, can we?