Question for yarn swappers

I’m asking this here because I’d REALLY like to know what everyone else is doing and I don’t want the question to get lost on page 20.

How much yarn are you buying? Are you buying a ball of this and 2 balls of that so they have a variety to try or are you buying 4-6 balls of one yarn? I really have no idea what to get my yarnee and I can’t decide on variety or enough to make a big project. What would YOU prefer if I were sending the yarn to you?

Maybe I’ll get lucky and my yarnee will actually answer this one. :teehee:

:shrug: I’m asking myself the same question, but I guess the answer is that it’s all up to you. In a sense, the idea of the yarn swap is to be a surprise, no? As far as I am concerned, I think I wouldn’t really mind. I think it’s not too hard to find projects for small quantities of yarn anyways. And in the end, I just like yarn. So I know I’ll be happy with whatever I get! :teehee:

My yarnee requested yarn for a specific project, so I’m getting that. I won’t say what project, that would blow my cover.
If I was not going by a specific request, I would probably buy maybe 2/3 skeins of one yarn, and maybe an extra of something else. It would depend on what the yarn store had.

Well so far, for my yarnee (that’s the one I’m sending to, right? lol) I’ve bought a couple skeins so far, they’re both slightly different. For me, I don’t really think it matters, I dunno… since I’m new to knitting I would maybe like some suggestions on projects that could be done with the yarn… But I’m sure I could find something to do with just a skein of yarn… I dunno… I’m newish… what can i say… lol… Maybe just look at who you have and how experienced they are. Or you could always ask what they would prefer…

My yarnee is getting something that would enable her to finish a project she seems to be wanting to do…


Have to be careful there…

But, mostly I think it is just fine to do 1 or 2 skeins of this or that… depending on you & the receiptent.

I’m a total yarn novice really so as far as receiving yarn goes I’m happy for my secret pal to use their own judgement :notworthy: I suppose I’d rather either have a nice pattern and enough of whatever yarn to make it…OR once or two balls of reeeeeally nice yarn… I’m no good at decisions! :??

I think I’m going to be ok with my purchasing though because of the information my yarnee has given me so I’ll probably get as much of a specific thing that the budget allows.

i am buying a few different skiens so she can try different colorways, plus she likes quick projects so that makes it fun! as for what i would want? probly the a few different yarns… but a bunch all the same would be great too, cause then i could make a larger project. i am a new knitter too, so i am excited to try differnet yarns. lol most of what i have used is acrylic and cotton. i am dying to make my hat from my wool but… too many UFOs to start a new one :teehee:

Everyone’s buying so much yarn!!! I couldn’t buy that much and keep it in the budget!

Ibought 4 skeins of one type of yarn and the rest is a surprise~ :happydance: :cheering:

check out this site:
i googled the yarn i was looking for, and just checked out multiple (like 10 different websites :ick: ) sites until i found a deal that i liked. i also ordered some yarn for myself from fabulousyarns since they give volume discounts, that way it was a better bargain and i get to give and get lovely yarn :cheering:

Thanks for all the responses. I still don’t know what and how much yarn I’m going to get though. :teehee:

I too am finding it hard to stay in budget. I went to a new yarn shop today and found something I think they will love.

I look at the yarn swap as more of a chance to experience a yarn I might not normally consider for myself. :slight_smile:

I tried to stay within my budget but I found such a great deal I went a bit over. :oops:

Somehow I doubt my secret knitter will mind. :teehee:

Which brings me to a new question: Has anyone who has done PREVIOUS yarn swaps ever been disappointed with what they received?

I’m getting 2 skeins of 2 different yarns. It’s going to bring me right to my limit but that’s okay. I like to make others happy :happydance: I am going to include a pattern for each one, as a suggestion. And I know I will include a few goodies too.

I got enough yarn for a pattern that I bought for my yarnee…PLUS, I added like 2 skeins of 3 different yarns in her favorite color.

I hope she likes them…cause my 4 year old helped out… :roflhard:

COOL~ papergirl more yarn = MORe :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I bought enough for a nice long/wide scarf of one yarn and then six of another. I was overbudget but I :heart: both yarns and hope my swapee does too! :slight_smile:

I think I will answer that for the group on here so that nobody’s feelings get hurt. If someone wants to actually say they were disappointed they can though of course.

I heard very little complaint from the group last time. There were some who were disappointed though. They got yarns that were completely outside their color pallette and were actually listed as colors they did not like. Some people had clearly destashed, which was NOT against the rules. However they had destashed things that were also not in the value that they had signed up for.

That being said… If we had a lot of people disappointed I heard from very few of them. Everybody took the swap in the spirit of generosity and fun. Even those that were disappointed never gave any indication on the site and seemed to be more into the spirit of the whole thing than anything else.

It was a very Kumbaya experience really! :muah:

I’m getting a few skeins of one type of yarn… but I am a newbie knitter, so I would be happy with pretty much anything. :slight_smile:

I have to say, I’m having so much fun buying yarn and little goodies… :slight_smile:

Like some others my yarnee is looking to do a project and I’m going to get the yarn for that and some extra goodies.

My Hancock’s is going out of business.

Not knowing what I was going to get my yarnee, I just looked around until I found something I like then I thought maybe she would like it also.

I got one ball of “magic stripe.” One for the both of us. and some Wool… I have never felted… so I might share some with her. Plus my yarnee is a Grandma, I have laying around some baby yarn that I don’t want any more. I am going to throw that in her goody bag, That will be a freebie.

Plus I want to order some REALLY nice yarn. but only get one skeins.