Question for experienced fair isle knitters about yarn choice

After finishing my first fair isle sweater, I am contemplating a vest. The Jamison Shetland yarn I used for this was very “sticky”…obviously a good quality for the steeks and color work. My question is whether you think this yarn: (100% Extrafine Merino superwash) would work. I’d like to design the vest using steeks for the armholes and a v-neck. I want to make sure a more “slippery” yarn will still work with steeks before I find out the hard way :slight_smile:

You can use any yarn, really. You just have to make sure the steeks are secure. The Shetland wool sticks to itself, so technically you don’t even have to secure the steeks (:noway:).

My first Fair Isles were made with Encore dk. Steeked, sewn and cut. No problem.

YAY! I was hoping this was the answer…good colors and great sale :slight_smile: