Question about the chart in my pattern

I’m working on a capelet that has a chart that is 16st by 16 rows to make a little heart on the pattern.

At the beginning of the row it says to work row 1 of the chart over 15 stitches, which I understand, but after that do I continue to only do it over 15 stitches, or do I use all 16 stitches on the chart?

I’m fairly new to knitting and this is my first project that isn’t a scarf, so I wanted to make sure before I started since it’s 349 stitches of size 3 needles with fingerling yarn… I don’t want to have to rip it out 10 rows in!

Does the chart repeat over the first row or do you only use it at the beginning and end of the row? Sometimes there is an edge st on the chart that only gets worked once at the beginning of the row. No matter, I don’t see how to repeat the chart evenly in 349 sts.
Can you post a link to this pattern?

It repeats across the whole bottom. It’s not evenly spaced the whole way across. I wish I could post a link, but it’s from a book.

Here is what it says:
K5, work Row 1 of Heart Chart over next 15 stitches, k5, work Row 1 of chart, knit to 2 stitches before marker, k2tog, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k3, *work Row 1 of chart, k5; repeat from * once more, work Row 1 of chart, knit to 2 stitches before marker, ssk, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k7, **work Row 1 of chart, k5; repeat from ** 3 times more, work Row 1 of chart, knit to 2 stitches before marker, ssk, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k3, ***work Row 1 of chart, k5; repeat *** once more, work Row 1 of chart, knit to 2 stitches before marker, ssk, sm, k2, sm, k2tog, k8, work Row 1 of chart, k5, work Row 1 of chart, knit to end.

And Row 1 of the chart is k7, k2tog, yo, k7

I can’t get it to add up to 349sts but I’m also making guesses for the sections where it says “knit to the marker”. I was also counting 15sts for the chart as the pattern says and Row 1 of the chart certainly looks like you’ll need 16sts to do it and you’ll end up with 16 when you’ve finished chart row 1

What is the name of the pattern and the book? I’d check with the publisher to see if there are any errors and check on Ravelry to see if anyone has made the pattern and can help or has notes that help. (Ravelry is free to join if you haven’t already).

The book is called Vampire Knit by Genevieve Miller and the pattern is called Be Still My Beating Heart Capelet.

I really appreciate your help… I really need to get on Ravelry.

OK, on Ravelry there is a link to errata and for the Be Still My Beating Heart capelet:
Be Still My Beating Heart Capelet (page 75)
In the Heart Chart, the first stitch in each row should be deleted, and the numbers below the chart adjusted accordingly.

When I count up the sts using 15sts for the chart, I get 351 total.
I wrote out the directions and where it said “knit to the marker”, I filled in the number from the opposite edge of the pattern (underlined below), assuming the capelet is symmetrical.
So up to the halfway point in the capelet, I have:
k5, chart, k5, chart, [U]k8[/U], k2tog, m, k2, m, k2tog, k3, chart, k5, chart, k5 chart, k[U]3[/U], ssk, m, k2, m, k2tog, k7, chart, k5, chart, k5, and then a chart which is at the halfway point.
See if that makes sense to you and agrees with what you would get. If so, I would adjust the 349sts to 351 by increasing 2sts and go ahead with the pattern.

Thank you so much! That definitely makes more sense. I started on it just to see, and almost every space where is said “knit to marker” was a different number, so this is way more helpful!

and almost every space where is said “knit to marker” was a different number

That’s why patterns say ‘knit to marker’, it makes patterns a lot shorter so they don’t take up 3 or 4 pages.