Question About Sleeves

Ok, I’m working on the Jesse’s Flames sweater from the Stitch N Bitch Nation book. I have the front of the sweater done and just completed the back and now I have to work on the sleeves. I think I understand the pattern for the sleeves, but, I want to make sure before I actually start them (since this is the first time I’ve ever done anything with sleeves…lol).

It reads something along the lines of (I don’t have the pattern in front of me): after all incs. have been worked and the chart followed, work even until piece measures, blah, blah, blah…lol…When it tells me to work even, does that mean to just continue working in stockinette, no increases or decreases until the piece measures what it’s supposed to?

Thank you guys so much!

You’ve got it right on what work even means.

Thank ya so much! :slight_smile: