I was reading a pattern for a sweater and just found out what set-up row is but I don’t understand what the numbers are for in the bracket. First I thought it was related to numbers of stitch per size(xs,s,m…) but the numbers are irregular.
This is part of the pattern;
Set-up row (WS): K1, P8 (10,8,12,14) (8,6,8,12) [PM,P5,PM,P9 (9,11,11,11)(9,11,11,11)] 4(4,4,4,4) (6,6,6,6) times, PM,P5,PM,P8(10,8,12,14)(8,6,8,12),K1.
I’ll appreciate if anyone could explain in detail. I’m really confused with English pattern since it’s not my first language also I’m quite new to knitting.