Question about reworking a pattern using gauge conversion

I simply cannot get down to the required 8 sts/inch for THE vintage baby sweater, so I’m reworking the pattern to my smallest gauge of 7 sts/inch.Gauge conversion factor is .88. So far the conversion has gone okay until I got to the yoke of the sweater, and I’m not sure how the shaping would work out.

After resizing the back, fronts and sleeves I only have 170 sts for the yoke, and my 5th row decreases would be p2tog, p4 instead of p2tog, p6. The remaining decrease rows would be: 11th row decreases p2tog,p3; 17th row decreases, p2tog, p2; 23rd row decreases p2tog, p1; 29th row p2tog across. I’m worried this progression would make the neckline wonky.

Would the experts here take a look at the original pattern below and give me some suggestions on how best to handle the decrease progression? Many, many thanks!

YOKE: with RS of work facing, knit across sts of right front, one sleeve, back, one sleeve, left front. (184 sts) ([I][B]I have 170 after resizing these pieces.[/B][/I])

r1. (WS facing) knit.
r2. k6(buttonband), purl to last 6 sts, k6.
r 3 & 4. knit.
r5. k6, p1, *p2tog, p6. Repeat from * to last 9 sts, p2tog, p1, k2 yo, k2tog(buttonhole) k2.
r6. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r11.k6, p1 *p2tog, p5. Repeat from * to last 8 sts, p2tog, k6.
r12. knit. repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r17. k6, p1 *p2tog, p 4. Repeat from * to last 8 sts, p2tog, k2, yo, k2tog(buttonhole), k2.
r18. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r23. k6, *p2tog, p 3. Repeat from * to last 12 sts, p2tog, p2, p2tog, k6.
r24. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r29.k6, p2tog, p1, *p2tog, p 2. Repeat from * to last 11 sts. p2tog, p1, p2tog, k2, yo, k2tog(buttonhole), k2. (74 sts.) ([I][B] conversion calculates out to 65.12[/B][/I])
r30. knit. Repeat rows 1 & 2 once. cast off.

It sounds pretty good to me. I would check as you decrease that the yoke proportions look correct. And when you get to the last two decrease rows (23 and 29), check that it looks right. If the neck seems too small or too large you can always adjust from there. Good luck with this adventure!

Thanks for looking it over, salmonmac!:notworthy:

I found that I’ll be down to 65 sts after the decreases on the 23rd row, which would omit the last repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive, which is the pattern stitch.

So I’ll work an extra pattern (rows 1-4) even at the beginning, bump a buttonhole to the extra repeat, and work the decreases as I described. Thank the heavens for graph paper!:woot:

Now to convert the bonnet and booties…:shock:

I admire you for doing this! Please do post a picture when you’re finished re-creating this vintage set.