I simply cannot get down to the required 8 sts/inch for THE vintage baby sweater, so I’m reworking the pattern to my smallest gauge of 7 sts/inch.Gauge conversion factor is .88. So far the conversion has gone okay until I got to the yoke of the sweater, and I’m not sure how the shaping would work out.
After resizing the back, fronts and sleeves I only have 170 sts for the yoke, and my 5th row decreases would be p2tog, p4 instead of p2tog, p6. The remaining decrease rows would be: 11th row decreases p2tog,p3; 17th row decreases, p2tog, p2; 23rd row decreases p2tog, p1; 29th row p2tog across. I’m worried this progression would make the neckline wonky.
Would the experts here take a look at the original pattern below and give me some suggestions on how best to handle the decrease progression? Many, many thanks!
YOKE: with RS of work facing, knit across sts of right front, one sleeve, back, one sleeve, left front. (184 sts) ([I][B]I have 170 after resizing these pieces.[/B][/I])
r1. (WS facing) knit.
r2. k6(buttonband), purl to last 6 sts, k6.
r 3 & 4. knit.
r5. k6, p1, *p2tog, p6. Repeat from * to last 9 sts, p2tog, p1, k2 yo, k2tog(buttonhole) k2.
r6. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r11.k6, p1 *p2tog, p5. Repeat from * to last 8 sts, p2tog, k6.
r12. knit. repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r17. k6, p1 *p2tog, p 4. Repeat from * to last 8 sts, p2tog, k2, yo, k2tog(buttonhole), k2.
r18. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r23. k6, *p2tog, p 3. Repeat from * to last 12 sts, p2tog, p2, p2tog, k6.
r24. knit. Repeat rows 1 - 4 inclusive.
r29.k6, p2tog, p1, *p2tog, p 2. Repeat from * to last 11 sts. p2tog, p1, p2tog, k2, yo, k2tog(buttonhole), k2. (74 sts.) ([I][B] conversion calculates out to 65.12[/B][/I])
r30. knit. Repeat rows 1 & 2 once. cast off.