Question about my pattern

Dec 1 st at each end of next and 7 [7: 6: 7: 6] foll 4th rows, then on foll 5 [6: 10: 10: 13] alt rows. 19 [21: 21: 23: 25] sts. Work 1 row, ending after 6 [6: 6: 8: 8] rows using F and with a ws row

What does last line mean ?
Is it extra 6 rows ?

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern?
Are you working with F now and is F a color? You may be working with F now or you may end the decreases with some rows of F.
The instructions want you to complete a wrong side row and after the given number of rows for your size in color F. Then you can begin the next instruction on a right side row.

The instructions don’t necessarily mean work 6 more rows. It depends on where you are in the color sequence after the decreases.

Hi thank you
The pattern is rainbow sweater by paintbox .

So it f sounds like I can stop after 6 rows of F and there are two decreases in that.

I was confused as it says work on row one and continue to 6 with colour F yarn.

I have already worked the 6 rows with colour F yarn with the decreases so was not sure if pattern us saying work another 6 rows

Thanks nisha

If you’ve completed the decreases and there are 6 rows of color F then you’re good to go. Make sure you’re putting the sts on hold so that you’re ready to work a right side (RS) row when you work the neckband.

I’ve had this pattern in my library but haven’t made it yet. Thanks for the reminder!

Thank You so much

Sorry to bother you again

So I have decreased for the arm holes but I started the decrease after first row ( misread the pattern) of the blue stripe so instead of ending with the last row F with no decreases I have ended that row with a decrease. Will this cause a problem?
Also with the front left side do I decrease as per pattern or should I match the decrease on back and start decrease after first row , thank you


As long as the stripe pattern is correct and you’ve made all the decreases you should be fine.

Follow the pattern for the left and the right front. The decreases are different but trust the pattern. The right and left sleeves have different shaping so that the sleeves will join the front and back shaping when the cardigan is seamed.

Questions are never a bother so don’t hesitate to post anytime.

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Good afternoon
I am now knitting the left front And need to understand the following :

Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of next and 5 [6: 6: 7: 6] foll 4th rows, then on foll 0 [0: 2: 0: 3] alt rows. 19 [20: 21: 24: 25] sts.

Work 3 [1: 1: 1: 1] rows, ending after 2 [2: 6: 4: 4] rows using D and with a ws

ok till here

Shape front neck

Keeping stripes correct, cont as follows:

next row (rs) (K2tog) 1 times, K10 and turn, leaving rem 7 sts on a holder (for Neckband). 11 sts.left

Am stuck after this -

Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows, (so this will leave me with 7 sts )then on foll 2 alt rows, then on 0 [0: 0: 1: 1] foll 4th row and at same time dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of 4th [2nd: 2nd: 2nd: 2nd] and foll

2 [3: 3: 5: 5] alt rows. 2 sts.

Work 1 row, ending after 6 [6: 8: 2: 2] rows using E [E: E: F: F]

I am stuck as ending up with F yarn and 3 stitches not E yarn and 2 stitches

Thank you for your help


Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows, (so this will leave me with 7 sts )then on foll 2 alt rows, at same time dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of 4th and foll 2 alt rows. 2 sts.

You have 7 sts and dec at the neck on the following 2 alt row. That’s -2sts.
At the same time dec one stitch at the armhole on row 4 and then rows 6 and 8. That’s -3.

That’s a total decrease of 5sts out of 7 leaving you with 2sts.

So for this section you dec at the neck edge on rows 1,2,3 and 4 (which you’ve already done) and then on row 6 and 8.
Dec at the armhole on rows 4 and then 6 and 8.
See if that works with the stripe sequence. If you have to work an extra row or 2 with yarn E that should be ok.

Thank you
It works

Bw nisha

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I am now knitting the raglan sleeves and need to understand the following :

Place marker at end of last row (to denote front neck edge - this matches to fasten-off point of Right Front).

For both sleeves

Dec 1 st at marked front neck edge of next 6 rows, ending after 6 [6: 6: 8: 8] rows using F and with a ws row, and at same time dec 1 st at back raglan edge of next and fo

Does this mean decrease 1 st at beginning and 1 at end of first row then 2 row just Dec 1 st and row 3 decrease 2 sts beginning and at end then 4 row only Dec 1 st?

Sorry am confused

Thank you


Great progress, nisha and almost there. OK, I moved your second post (see below) on the same topic to this thread to avoid confusion.
Decrease one stitch at the front raglan edge on rows 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. That means that you’ll have decreases on both knit (right side, RS) and purl (wrong side, WS) sides.
Decrease on the back raglan edge on rows 1,3 and 5. So on rows 1,3 and 5 you’ll have decreases at the front raglan edge and the back raglan edge of the RS rows.

If you’re decreasing with a k2tog, p2tog on the WS will continue the line of decreases in a slant.
If you’re decreasing with ssk, the p2tog through the back loop will work on the WS.

Raglan sleeves
What does it mean
Place marker at end of last row (to denote front neck edge - this matches to fasten-off point of Right Front).
For both sleeves
Dec 1 st at marked front neck edge of next 6 rows, ending after 6 [6: 6: 8: 8] rows using F and with a ws row, and at same time dec 1 st at back raglan edge of next and folk 2 alt rows ?
Do I Dec 1 st at each end of first row then continue ?
Thank you nisha