
Someone started a thread a while back about knitters also doing puzzles. I do crosswords and Soduko and here’s a puzzle my son got for xmas. There has got to be something in my brain that has a need to solve things.

My son is very good at puzzles. I’ll take a picture of the one we just finished. I went out and got another one today. Our mall has a puzzle store. I got a Snoopy one today…1000 pieces.

My older grandson and I did that puzzle a while back! I used to always have a jigsaw puzzle going, but alas, knitting has taken over.

Ok. Here is a picture of the puzzle we finished Friday night. The dog in the picture looks just like my dd’s dog, Pele (named for the soccer player, of course).

The only bad thing is that it’s missing one piece. I’m going to call the company that made it in the morning. We would like to get it glued down at the store in the mall where we purchased it. They said they can somehow make it look like the piece is not missing, if I’m unable to get it replaced.


Here’s a picture of what we’re working on now.


I love puzzles. I am on vacation at my parent’s house right now. I have no knitting that I’m working on, so a few days ago, I went out and bought two puzzles.

Once I was at a game store and they had a 10,000 piece puzzle. I would love to have something like that, but it was over $100. Can’t see myself spending that much on a puzzle.


Jigsaw puzzles are fun. What do you do with them when you’re done, though? It seems a shame to take it all apart after all that hard work.
My daughter got Nintendo DS for Christmas. She got 2 games to go with it, and I picked up Brain Age for me! I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, though.

beware, you gonna get nagged for missing a day
I got the same for me, and it is anoying sometimes when it reminds me I have missed a day or two or 10

but it is neat, and I LOVE the Sudoku


No kidding! That’s funny. It’s going to tell me that I’ve missed about 3 weeks!I got it out the week before Christmas to “test drive” my daughter’s Nintendo and I haven’t tried it again.

Anybody tried the wasgij puzzles? The picture on the box shows you not the puzzle itself, but another point of view of the scene. So the idea is to reconstruct the scene using the clues on the picture, and they tell you from which point of view you are looking at the scene. It’s so much fun! :cheering: It’s a bit difficult though (at least it was for me). :shifty: :teehee: