Puppy Hand Puppet pattern and question

Hi folks,

I’m a new knitter and I’m trying to make this puppey puppet <http://patriot.net/~annette/patterns/puppets/> It looks very easy, except that I don’t understand the pattern. Here are my problems:

See Puppet One
Read under Upper half of puppet, it says,
“Continue with next 13 sts, complete row, at end SCO 1 st (14 sts).
Work next row as est, at end SCO 1 st (15 sts)”

What does that mean? What does the SCO 1 sts mean? I think SCO stands for Single Cast On, but how does casting on related? You cast on at the beginning. Is there a way to cast on again?

Please help!!

I think SCO stands for Single Cast On, but how does casting on related? You cast on at the beginning. Is there a way to cast on again?

What you think you are reading IS what you are reading.

Since it is a SCO(you were right on that too)… you could do a backwards e thumb loop. It is very stretchy, so it is really only good for a few stitches. I am looking to see if Amy has one in video here, if she does I’ll post the link to it.

The purpose? I think to give you a little extra material for your puppet :slight_smile:

YEAHHHH AMY!!backward-loop

Heather, it worked!! Thanks! I’m afraid now, that you’ve created a monster.

Have you seen the actual pattern? If not, would you please take a look at it so you can understand my next questions. http://patriot.net/~annette/patterns/puppets/

Okay, so I casted on, I worked it for 4 inches, I saved 9 sts on a st holder, I started my decrease.

Question 1: I had 8 sts. I SCO 1 (9sts), I SCO 1 again (10 sts). Now I have 10 sts. I dec 1 and work the row, and repeat. Now I have 8 sts. Then it says “Repeat last 4 rows until 7 on ndl,” well, I only have 8 right now. If I repeat the last 4 rows, that’ll bring me to 6. What’s up?

Question 2: It then says, “Work decrease sequence (5 sts)” What does that mean? This is my first pattern piece and I don’t understand what it’s saying.

Question 3: After I bind off, do I break the yarn?

Question 4: Than I’m supposed to start the lower half of the puppet. It says, “Pick up saved sts and work one row.” This threw me out of my chair. Yes, I know where my saved sts are, they’re on my st holder. But how do I work them? What yarn do I use? I can pick up the yarn from my ball (if Q3 answer is yes), but how to I join it with my saved sts?

Okay, I think that’s it. Thanks for any assistance, I’m stumped!


ok…answers to 3 and 4 first…

yes, you break your yarn. (3)

you would transfer the stitches from your holder, and use what ever join you like…there are LOTS of different kinds of joins…with something a child would use, I would just tie a knot, and then knit like you normally would. So, you break the yarn from question 3, and then use the end of that to join and finish off the part that are on stitch holders.

now questions 1 adn 2 are stumping me at the moment…i think i’ll have to pull out the needles…

have you actually worked this? sometimes when it doesn’t make sense, I take it on blind faith, and just do what it says, and it works out.

“Repeat last 4 rows until 7 on ndl,” well, I only have 8 right now. If I repeat the last 4 rows, that’ll bring me to 6. What’s up?

Question 2: It then says, “Work decrease sequence (5 sts)”

Ok…I think it is exactly right…you want to end up with 5 stitches, you HAVE 8, repeat the last 4 rows which will bring you down to six, and when you do the funky bind off…slip,k,psso that last time, you will have 5 stitches. SO…I think it’s OK…blind faith I think this one is!! lol…

Heather you are marvelous!!!

I have gotten as far as I have on blind faith! I got your post from yesterday and just went for it. Than I got stumped. I’m going to jump back into it this afternoon as soon as I get a chance.

I do need one bit of clarification about your answers. I’m totally okay with breaking the yarn and tying it to to my saved stiches. But I cannot figure out what to tie it to. I have nine loops (sts) and no tail to tie to. Do I just choose a loop (either outtermost or innermost sts) and tie it on?

Someday, I will be must better than this…I’m sure!

But I cannot figure out what to tie it to. I have nine loops (sts) and no tail to tie to. Do I just choose a loop (either outtermost or innermost sts) and tie it on?

ya…I see the dilemma…that’s what I would do, tie it onto the loop…however…there may be a better, way to do this…and a more “correct” way…there are people what will never ever ever ever ever make a knot under any circumstances…

you could make a loop on the right needle…and start knitting, cumbersome at first, and you think how the heck is this going to stay on…but one of those miriacles I think!!! lol… If you take your tail, and knit along too, then it might not come undone, but this is for a puppet, that hopefully will get some use and lovin, so I would want to make it as secure as possible. Make sure it is a square knot tho!!!

Yes! Yes!! It all worked. I haven’t quite finished it yet, but I’m almost done. I’m working on the ears today.

I coudln’t figure out how to make a loop and just start knitting in (it came out very messy) so here’s how I did it. I made a loop and slid it onto my R ndl, I slid my first real st onto my right ndl and slid the added loop over it and knitted away. It worked like a dream and I didn’t wind up with an extra stich.

Thank you! I couldn’t have done it without you.

YEAHHHH!!! So glad I could help…now…PICTURES PLEASE!!! :slight_smile: