Pullover sweater

This is the Pure and Simple pullover pattern. My daughter likes the green one I made for her so much she asked for another in this rose heather color.

I think I set a record (for me) and finished the sweater in a week and a half! :cheering:

Click on photo for larger view.


Looks very nice and cozy! Even more impressive given the record time! :slight_smile:

Very beautiful sweater in a wonderful color! I can understand why your daughter likes it so much.
I can’t even dream of finishing a sweater in a week. Finishing in a month would be a record for me.

Beautiful sweater. Wish I could finish . . . something . . . in a week, but too much knitting makes my hands hurt.

You’ve done a great job on this!

So pretty! Nice, simple designs look so good on any figure!

I love it! What a lucky daughter :slight_smile:

I used that pattern for my first sweater! Love the color, it’s a beautiful sweater!

Very nice and such a pretty color too.:inlove:

Very pretty, I can see why your daughter would want another one.

I love the simplicity of it, results in a very nice sweater. I just knit something in about that same color.

Daughter wearing the pullover sweater.

Click for larger version.


That color is great for her! She’s got a lovely smile in her new sweater. :hug:


Perfect fit and colour for her!

Judy, is this #265 from the knitting pure and simple website?

No, it’s #9724…as far as I know it’s still available. This is a worsted weight sweater.


P.S. I just checked the P&S website and it has #9724A which is a much more fitted version. If you want #9724 PM me and I can tell you where it’s still available. The original is roomier and a much more relaxed fit.

That looks spectacular on your daughter–much better looking than a store bought sweater! Gee, can I be your daughter, too?

My first sweater was 9724…didn’t know they’d changed it. :?? If the changes are only decreases on the body you could skip them, too.

Simple and plain is often the best way to go.

I like the sweater it looks great on and off.

Lovely daughter BTW.

Is there a link to the pattern you can share, or must it be purchased?

ETA- Sorry, I had not read all of the post are I would have found the answer to my question.