Pulling yarn

I was reading another post and it made be think of a collapsing ball of yarn just several days ago. I was pulling from the center and literally the yarn got stuck and I was pulling hard. I stuck my fingers in and finally managed to pull some out but it such a big clump it basically collapsed the entire skein. I was looking at the biggest mess. Once I found the end piece I started rolling into a ball. But no kidding, I know it took at least 1.5 hrs
maybe more. With time leading up to the holiday so precious, it was time I didn’t have but not much else I could do. I’ve been knitting for 3-4 yrs and never encountered such a thing. So I am assuming it doesn’t happen often. Oh well. Things happen I guess.

It happens pretty often IME. Sometimes it happens multiple times and the larger skeins can have a lot of wads that have to be untangled. There’s not much to be done except to take the time and straighten it all out.

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I guess I should have said it has had clumps before but not to this extent. Usually I can wrap the excess yarn around the skein but this was so massive a clump it I was looking at a bowl of spaghetti.

It happens often enough that I always pull from the outside now. If it hasn’t been put up so that it works in a bowl or on a yarn buddy, I’ll rewind it before I start.