When it comes to using your yarn, do you find it easier to pull from the outside going in or do you like pulling the middle string out and using that first? It seems like when I start pulling from the inside of the skien, It always comes out a big bunch and all tangled up.
Pulling out Yarn
I’ve found that it depends on the yarn brand! Some seem fine from the middle and others it’s just a whole heap of mess so I just go outside in normally! I did get myself a wool winder though so no more chasing balls of yarn around the floor!
Ha Ha. Thanks
I prefer to draw from the centre, except for chenille.
It can also depend on the yarn itself. With some yarns, pulling from the center causes them to twist more tightly. I almost always work from the outside, and put my yarn either in a yarn bowl (if it’s in a ball) or on a “yarn butler”, which is a spindle that turns as you pull the yarn and works great for cakes or many other put-ups.
I have a swift and yarn winder thingamajig and I frequently end up with yarn vomit when pulling from the center. I have been doing this myself for a number of years and have yet to figure out how to keep my tension correct when winding. But, I am patient and nothing if not stubborn, so I will keep trying until I figure it out!
I think I’ve only pulled from the centre once. Then I saw a tutorial explaining about twist, as ColoCro mentioned, and decided not to risk it. I think I just prefer working from the outside anyway.